Community Services

Beginning September 2016 seniors must have 30 hours of community service completed to meet graduation requirements. Attached is a Community Service Verification form.  ATTENTION STUDENTS!!! We have TWO upcoming opportunities to earn Community Service hours: 

  • Student Ambassador Program – June 15, 2023
  • Social Media Madness – June 30, 2023

Any CA student including incoming UFP students may earn community service hours during the summer.  A Parent Permission slip does not need to be turned into the office prior to earning service hours. 

Summer Community Service hours earned must be turned in to the Front Office by September 30th of the year the hours were performed. SENIORS must complete their Community Service hours and return their verification sheet to the Attendance Office prior to May 1st of their senior year.  If a senior does not provide verification by May 1st they will not graduate or be able to walk during the graduation ceremony.